Spetsnaz Security International Limited. is a U.K. company, and you can find it in the register with Companies House: 10524908
Our company was established in December 2016.
We currently have over 300 employees.
We specialize in providing customer-focused and cost-effective security services. We maintain close relationships with our clients, always striving to ensure real-time solutions to the myriad security issues and challenges in today's business environment.
Our strength is our people and commitment to mission accomplishment. Proactive protection, situational awareness, and technical expertise are essential keys to meeting the needs of our clients in today's ever-changing world.Our strategic goals are identifying and understanding threats, assessing vulnerabilities, and determining potential adverse impacts on our client's resources and assets. Through training, leadership, and adhering to a strict code of conduct, we offer an environment where our management and employees set the standard for providing security services.
As founders, we are committed to leadership in our industry by focusing on our customers, employees, and community. We aim to recognize and appreciate our people's achievements, celebrate their successes, and give something back to the community where we work .
Fidel Matola, President & CEO
Vasiliy, CIO
#1: Enhance Your Safety with Manchester's Premier V.I.P. Close Protection Bodyguard Services. Our Personal Protection Experts Provide Affordable and Reliable Private Security. Hire Trustworthy Executive Protection from Spetsnaz Security International.
Don't hesitate to contact us with confidentiality to tell us more about your private security services requirements and the types of private security services you need. We are dedicated to ensuring the success of your event in every way possible.
Call us now at +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp or alternatively Email us : mail@manchestercloseprotection.spetsnazsecurityinternational.co.uk.
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